Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

hold on, b faithful

What's the perfect recipe to keep 'berserah' n 'berusaha' in balance? so u don't overdo one of and forget the other? so u could sense that the result -even not as high as u expected- is worth your effort? so u could be patience when God gives u bit by bit? so u could keep away from 'haram' money even you're so in need, even it's so easy to get? so u always could smile no matter how hard God slams your days?

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

analysis on missing girl case recently

something that doesn't need an effort to solve isn't defined as problem, the effort itself not always parallel to wealth, health, intelligence, age, and gender
it shows when people who almost had everything, still have something to call problem
where's the root of all problems?
the root of all are temptation, passion and desire

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

memulai mencoba mengurai serpihan fikir

telah lama terbersit keinginan untuk menulis
mengingat terkadang isi otak ku begitu penuh, terkadang tak tau harus di simpan dimana, 
karena takut terlupa, takut terlupa akan semua yang penting untuk bekal bersikap dan menetapkan diri pada titah,pesan,wejangan baik-baik yg ku puja-puja
mari menulis
menumpahkan fikir

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